Autumn has shown its strength to us too at Käs Kirpu!
As in the everyday life of every family with children, we also started school, kindergartens, work and hobbies in the fall after the holidays. In addition to these, we were sick for several weeks straight... We also sold our home and bought a new one. The move will take place in about three weeks, and then we will have to take a break from flea hunting for a few days. Moving is always stressful with packing, organizing and cleaning... However, I'm very excited because at the same time we'll also get better facilities for Kässä Kirpu! The storage space will increase, we will get a better shooting location and a packing table! Hopefully these changes will be visible to customers.
The living room table currently looks like this and tells its own story about everyday life: always crafts, reading, painkillers, candy, bepanthenia... And a lot of miscellaneous things.
Kässe Kirppu has been a new thing in our everyday life this autumn. We have a lot of thoughts and ideas. A lot of learning too. We want to develop our activities and share our lives with you. However, everyday life has at times directly hit the fabric of consciousness. We get to implement our plans at a slower pace than we would like.
We have been pleased to receive wonderful and encouraging support from the community of craft people, both in the form of orders and tips. Little by little, all kinds of things have happened in the shop on your initiative :)
We released a new beautiful look to the store and also made small practical improvements based on your wishes (for example, we added a sales unit and other clarifying information to the product description). In addition, we have developed and tested a completely new seller portal, where it is easier for Kässä Kirpu's wonderful sellers to add products and track sales progress!
Help us develop!
Finally, we would like you to participate in a short survey . You would help us improve and invest in the things you miss in Kirpu.
All those who participated in the survey will receive a reward , which will be revealed at the end of the survey. In addition, the respondents participate in the raffle for a €50 gift card !
- Sofia
1 comment
Eka kässäkirppis tilaus tehty :)
Kiitos, että ootte olemassa siellä ja kiitos tosi paljon tälläisesta ideasta kuin kässä kirppis! Ihan mahtavaa!
Onnea myös uuteen kotiinne :) joka on varmasti mukava, uusi asia pienen paineenkin alla, koska uudessa kodissa on aina uudet kujeet, uusine tarinoineen.
Joulun odotusta myös kaikille kässäkirppisläisille täältä pohjosesta!