Käs Kirpu Knitwear Designers
At Kässe Kirpu, we believe that all self-made crafts always have a lot of emotion involved!
Every handiwork is chosen for a reason, it takes a lot of time and there is usually a certain person in mind when doing it. Crafts are always personal for both the maker and the recipient. That's why we also want to make knitting instructions available to you by introducing the designers behind them.
Shown below are our wonderful knitwear designers! 🤩

Anniina Juuti - Knitwear designer
Anniina designs versatile embroidery instructions from baby to toddler. The instructions are suitable for both beginners and more experienced knitters.
Instructions: Beanies, gloves, shirts and socks.

With love Henna - Knitwear designer
Henna specializes in the design of mittens, and it's easy to embed the coarse threads accumulated in the corners into her beautiful embroidery designs. The instructions are also suitable for beginners.
Instructions: Gloves

Maarit O Designs
Maaritin neuleohjeet on tarkoitettu kaikille neulojille tuomaan tekemisen ja onnistumisen iloa.
Ohjeet: Sukat ja lapaset

Sensemmoista - Elsi Vankka
Elsin hyvän mielen ohjeet antavat onnistumisen iloa ja samalla saat kulmakiviä vaatekaappiin.
Sensemmoista ohjeissa on helppo käyttää monipuolisesti värejä.
Ohjeet: asusteita, sukkia sekä isompia projekteja

WoolWilla - Johanna Paasila
Johannan ohjeet ovat ajattoman kauniita ohuita sukkia ja toistaan suloisempia lasten neuleita.
Johannan ohjeita on helppo seurata ja apua saa seikkaperäisistä video-ohjeista.
Ohjeet: ohuita sukkia, pienten vaatteita, asusteita