Kässä Kirppu
Where Kirppu sells

Why would I sell at Käsä Kirpu?
By selling your products at Käs Kirpu, you don't have to worry about the uncertainties of the sales groups or the exchange of messages, postage, payments, the order of the flea table, the loss of products or anything else related to sales.
We add your product to the store, handle payments and shipping. Our expert customer service answers customer questions for you and handles possible complaints and product returns.

How can I sell?
You can sell in our service in two different ways: Where the flea sells or with the Sell it yourself model. The choice of a suitable sales model depends on how much effort you are willing to put into the sales work. Check out our two different sales models below and choose the most suitable way to sell in our service.
Choose a sales model, mail your goods to our warehouse and track sales. After the sale is over, you decide whether you want the unsold products back, donate them to charity, or perhaps hope that Kässä Kirpu will redeem them? The profits will be credited to your account within a couple of weeks after the end of the sale.

What can I sell?
You can sell fabrics, threads, books and magazines using Kässä Kirpu's sales service.
The products must be intact, clean and odorless.
Services in a nutshell
Lue palvelun tarkat ehdotEasy, fast and carefree recycling of waste materials.
You can get rid of the goods immediately , and you don't have to worry about sending them to separate buyers.
You get the sales revenue quickly after the sales period ends.
The Kässe Kirppu myi sales model
Buy the Kässe Flea Market serviceIn the Kässe Kirppu myi service, you only need to post products and track sales. Fleas do all the other work.
What can I sell?
Detailed instructions on the products for saleVery briefly: fabrics, threads, books and magazines.
The products must be intact, clean, odorless and usable.
See the detailed limitations below.
FAQ - Frequently asked questions
What products can I sell in Kässe Kirpu?
You can sell fabrics, threads, books and magazines using Kässä Kirpu's sales service.
The products must be intact, clean and odorless.
You can find more detailed information here .
How does sending products work?
After purchasing the seller service, we will send you packing instructions and Posti's Helposti code, which you can use to deliver your products to Kässe Kirpu without any other costs.
The size of the package may not exceed Posti's XL package (59 x 36 x 60 cm) and it may weigh no more than 25 kg.
The products must be sent within 14 days after you receive the instructions and the mailing code in your email.
Miten myyntituotot jakautuvat?
Kunkin erän myyntiin lisätyistä tuotteista lasketaan tuotteiden keskiarvoinen hinta, joka määrittää kunkin myyntierän myyntituottojen jakautumisen myyjän ja Kässä Kirpun välillä. Hylätyt tuotteet laskevat keskiarvoista hintaa, koska niiden arvo on 0 €.
Tuotteiden keskihinta € * |
Tuotto sinulle |
Provisio Kirpulle |
20.01 ja ylöspäin |
50 % | 50 % |
10.01 - 20.0 |
40 % | 60 % |
5,01 - 10.0 |
30 % | 70 % |
5.0 tai alle |
20 % | 80 % |
*Tuotteiden kokonaisarvo jaettuna tuotteiden määrällä
Samalla tilauksella tilatut myyntierät käsitellään yhdessä. Saman myyjän eri tilauksilla ostetut myyntierät käsitellään tilanteen mukaan yhtenä tai useampana eränä.
Tuotteiden hinnoitteluun vaikuttaa tuotteesta annetut tiedot kuten materiaali, suunnittelija, valmistaja ja alkuperäinen hinta. Lisäksi arvioidaan tuotteiden sen hetkinen kunto. Kuntoluokituksesta voit lukea lisää täältä.
Can I track the progress of the sale somewhere?
In both sales models, sellers can log into the Seller portal, through which sales can be tracked in real time.
How long will the sale last?
The total sales period is a total of 13 weeks and consists of 3 sales periods:
1. The first period lasts 5 weeks and then the price of the products is the original price determined by the seller or Kässä Kirpu.
2. The second sales period lasts 4 weeks and then the price of the products has been reduced by -20% from the original.
3. The third sales period lasts 4 weeks and then the price of the products is -40% of the original price.
At the end of the sales period, the seller will tell you in the final survey what will be done with the unsold products. After this, Kässe Kirppu will account for the sales proceeds within 2 weeks .
What happens to my unsold products?
The seller can decide what to do with unsold products:
1. Products can be donated to charity .
2. The seller can redeem the products back for himself at the price of the handling fee.
3. Kässä Kirppu can redeem unsold products by paying the seller's share as a gift card to Kässä Kirppu's online store.
When will I receive the sales revenue accrued to me?
As soon as the sale period ends, we send the seller a link to the final survey. In the final survey, the seller provides the necessary payment information and tells what will be done with the unsold products.
The sales proceeds are paid to the seller within 2 weeks after the seller has answered the final survey.